The Fairfield Tempo Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization managed by an executive board made up of parents/guardians and community members.
Contributions to the Fairfield Tempo Club are tax deductible. Donations can be made at any time using Venmo. Please be sure to note “sponsor” AND how you want your name/family to read in the program when you make your payment within the app to ensure our treasurer knows where the funds came from and where to apply them. If you are a business or organization sponsor, please also email your logo to [email protected].
Sponsorship Levels:
Patron Sponsor $20
Donor Sponsor $30
Concerto Sponsor $50
Symphonic Sponsor – $75
Music Maestro Sponsor – $100
Platinum Sponsor – $250
Curtain Call Sponsor – $500 or more
Venmo Payment Instructions:
1. Scan the QR code OR login in to your Venmo account.
2. Search for @FFTempoClub.
3. Select FFTempoClub & click the blue “Pay or Request” button.
4. Enter the dollar amount you want to pay.
5. VERY IMPORTANT! Do not skip this step. In the “What’s This For?” field, please type in “sponsorship” and how you want your name or your family name to appear in the program.
6. Select the blue “Pay” button.